![]() | Appropriate to talk about in real life settings
Nail polish Definitely my most accepted fixation, even though people hate my long nails. Even as a kid, I always thought painted nails made me look cool, but I was uncomfortable admitting it because it was such a feminine interest, and I didn't want to feel pressured into being feminine. One sleepless night of falling down a YouTube rabbit hole, I discovered Simply Nailogical's channel and seeing her geek out about holo and talk about creative nail art techniques, I realised I could like nailpolish for my own reasons. I decided to grow my nails out so I could look even cooler wearing nailpolish and try my hand at nail art sometimes. They started to be very long around 2020 and everybody fucking hates that. Still, they let me talk about nail art techniques and different nail polish finishes, because beauty's a commonly accepted interest. I managed to stop tearing my nails off thanks to my wish to grow long nails, and having them this long saves me from ingrown nails, which used to plague my existence. My favourite nailpolishes are largely from Holo Taco, but their shipping fees are ridiculous, so I only ever get them through gifts. MÃ¥neskin Not that I don't like other bands but I'm all over MÃ¥neskin and I spent months foaming at the mouth because I hadn't bought Rush! yet. I already loved their songs, but this album in particular seriously scratches my brain in all the right ways. HONEY (R U COMING?) came out right when I needed it and I listened to their newest songs on loop while I was coding this site, so though I thought they were too sad to my taste, now I'm obsessed with their sound... Since they won the Eurovision a few years ago, when I mention them, a bunch of people recognise them. I wish I could obsess over their songs more online, but whenever I look at their tag on tumblr, it's filled with people who want to fuck them. Man, that's fair, but I want to take a bite out of READ YOUR DIARY right now... My dogs But I'm on thin ice because they're a lot of work and people don't like it when you have responsibilities. I own three beautiful huskies! They're my everything. I know everybody says that about their pets but I'm hanging by a thread and it's made out of dog hair. We adopted Kali in 2015 a few months after my childhood dog passed. She's the most intelligent and expressive dog I've ever met. She gave birth to 9 beautiful and healthy puppies in 2017. I decided to keep one of the puppies, notably because it would benefit Kali who oftentimes felt lonely, but I didn't expect to fall for one in particular as hard as I did. I adopted Nala, the ugly little duckling who grew into a gorgeous (albeit surprisingly small) swan. She's the cutest dog on Earth. In 2019, the owners of one of Kali's puppies decided to get rid of him - contacted by the former school mate whose parents were taking this awful decision, we decided to take Loki back so he wouldn't feel abandoned by his family. Even though adopting a third dog was difficult financially and emotionally, we've now had Loki for a long time and he's an adorable cuddly baby I'm absolutely obsessed with. And he's huge. Writing It's just that... no one cares? My family is convinced my thing is drawing, which is a little embarrassing because I'm not like. That good at it. It's just a hobby of mine, and I aim for decency. When I do manage to talk about my writing, it's a little difficult to put across that "I'm mentally ill (which may be why I want to be a writer in the first place) to the point I can't Do The Thing That I Love Most". It's also a little difficult to explain that I've been working on a project that is dangerously close to fanfiction for almost five years, and when I manage to bring up my poetry, apparently body horror isn't a valid genre. But I'm tired of pretending I want to write anything else!!! | Appropriate to write about on my tumblr blog
Vocal synth
I discovered vocal synth many years ago, and I've listened to many a VOCALOID original in my time on this Earth, but I only got seriously into it when I found out about Synthesizer V. I'm super impressed by its realistic voices, and its Basic version allowed me to do that thing I'd always wondered if I could do and try to make my own covers. I eventually bought Synthesizer V Studio Pro and I regularly make SynthV covers which I post mainly to my YouTube channel. Even though I have to be that guy who thinks the realistic voices are where it's at, this allowed me to solidify my appreciation for the other types of vocal synth programs and voices, and I sometimes use other programs such as DeepVocal or OpenUTAU. Check out my vocal synth list! Wiki editing If you clicked on the wrong character on my index page, you might know what this is about. I just. I just can't stop contributing to and making Wikis. It all started with the French Danganronpa Wiki, and believe me, I've contributed to and made other Wikis, but the one Wiki you'll currently find me on is the Akudama Drive Wiki, which I administrate by myself! Speaking of... Akudama Drive I'm not going to make a section about Danganronpa. Danganronpa has meant a lot to me and I can never get rid of it, but it's not one of my current active interests! My real Kodaka-verse love is Akudama Drive. For some reason, I just can't stop caring about it. I seriously enjoyed that anime. It's pretty short, so please don't hesitate to watch it! As is customary, even though my favourite character is Swindler, a pathetic man (Courier) occupies my thoughts all the time... General animu I like a lot of Japanese media, though I rarely watch or play anything new. I actually spend more time creating (for what it's worth) than I do consuming anything. I recently read Jojolion, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure's Part 8, and I really liked it, which was a pleasant surprise given that Part 7 was not it. For some reason, I developped an obsession for Yoshikage Kira... in Jojolion. Lately, I've been replaying Danganronpa Another Episode, which... I know... Long story. Oh, and I should continue reading that PSCYHOPASS manga I found - PSYCHOPASS is one of my favourite anime and I wish I had more opportunities to talk about it. Listening to myself talk ...Though thankfully for most of you, this happens in the form of skippable tumblr posts. I have a lot of thoughts, I'm always introspecting and Analysing Things. God help me. This does tend to make me a little jarring in person. ("Wow, this woman knows so much!" Wrong: she knows too much about extremely specific things.) |