Halfbody scared sprite of Nagito Komaeda.
You clicked the wrong image
It appears that you chose to click the wrong character.
Did you know that I used to be the admin of the French Danganronpa Wiki? In case you actually clicked the wrong character on accident, Nagito Komaeda is a character from the hit video-game Danganronpa 2 (and sequels).
As a matter of fact, I keep trying to use wiki text instead of HTML italics.

I discovered Danganronpa around... 2016, I'd say? A few of my online friends kept talking about it. They even made a French RP forum inspired by its concept of characters with an "Ultimate" talent. I didn't really like these people and I had no idea what Danganronpa was, but I joined because my best friend at the time was involved and I wanted to take part in the things she liked. She eventually dropped me for not getting involved in the things she liked. It seems that the many things I got involved in just for her weren't the ones she wanted, because she didn't notice them.
Either way, I didn't play Danganronpa right away. What made me want to play it was a huge spoiler that the aforementioned friend sent me, which was (spoiler ahead) Jataro's execution in Danganronpa Another Episode. Something about its... execution... (hah) really spoke to me. The gruesome aspect - the music - the colours - the plot twist preceding assumed death - the violence - those were all my jam. I thought this video was super cool, so I got into Danganronpa.

I actually started by watching the anime adaptation of the first game. Rookie mistake, I know. But it was never really an issue, because I immediately moved on to watching Let's Plays of every game, first game included. If you watched the anime first like I did, please don't think that means you can skip the first game; the anime is incredibly rushed. When I was done watching Let's Plays, I bought the games whenever they were on sale, one by one. I used to go to a store to buy Steam cards and load money into my Steam account just so I could buy Danganronpa games. Danganronpa 3 came out almost right after I was done experiencing the three games that were out, so that was great timing, and it truly brought me a lot of joy to be able to watch a new episode of Danganronpa before going to sleep in the evening... twice a week! The twice-weekly episodes were a huge draw of Danganronpa 3 that newer fans completely miss on.

Anyway, I never considered joining the French Wiki. I made the mistake of being bilingual, and the games only existed in English anyway (as far as languages that I spoke went), so I had no reason to read the French Wiki. Moreover, that Wiki was totally cringe! It was clearly written by kikoolols who didn't know basic grammar, let alone knew how to write an encyclopaedia. "What's that? Some years have passed? I'm older, more mature, more understanding that not everyone has the same abilities, and that some perfectly respectable people are simply not great at writing or learning other languages? Most importantly, my Baccalauréat is in a month and I'm not studying for that shit? I mean, I have experience being a forum admin, and I know a lot about Danganronpa... I might be able to use my abilities to give the people on this Wiki a hand."

See, I have a problem. It already presented itself when I invested all of my free-time into Forumactif forums, always ending up being an admin, creating the graphics, writing the code, writing the rules, being the most active member... Discovering Wiki editing was my downfall, I think. And it had to be on Fandom?! What did I do to deserve this? I worked very hard on this Wiki, for years, as well as some others - but none of them were like the French Danganronpa Wiki to me. I put so much effort into saving this Wiki. My initial judgements, negative as they were, weren't completely baseless... a lot of work was needed. Work I did, for 5 years, almost all alone, until I had enough. Fandom is terrible to its volunteers. Readers are terrible to their admins. Even contributors took me for granted, often only made things worse, and then left before they learned anything. I did thankless work for 5 years, both on the Wiki and a Twitter account I created to translate Danganronpa news to French, and over that time I regularly got yelled at by readers and contributors - they'd insult my work, give me orders, make rude requests. I kept taking in a lot of abuse and only clicking that they were being mean to me once it was over, or once I realised I couldn't stop crying. Yeah, it wasn't nice. Still, I learned a lot from my years editing the Wiki. I mean a lot. I really loved Danganronpa and learning more and more about it, and every now and then someone would thank me and compliment my work, so I felt like what I was doing wasn't all wrong. Still, when I took the decision to leave in early 2023, it had been a long time coming. There was no hope that anyone would ever help me or replace me, so I had to grieve my hard work and accept that I was going to leave that Wiki in the hands of the many vandals that visit Fandom Wikis. I couldn't do this forever. I experienced so much distress because of it, I didn't want to use Fandom any more than I had to, and I had long stopped associating Danganronpa to anything but work...

Since leaving the Wiki, I've been trying to give myself time to enjoy Danganronpa whenever I feel like, however I feel like. This series has seriously meant a lot to me and inspired me immensely. Even though I don't really feel like engaging with it as much as I used to, I can't pretend it didn't shape a lot of my creative mind.

Either way, I bet you regret clicking the wrong character. You might want to go back. By the way, did I mention the character you clicked was named Izuru Kamukura? See, I know soooo much about Danganronpa.
#formatting inspired by dimensionslip's DR tumblr theme #Komaeda halfbody courtesy of the
ENGLISH Danganronpa Wiki #I was a mod there recently as well...
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