Jadzia's Neocities siteAspiring writer | Amateur artist | French |
21+ | She/Her | Aroace | Serial Wiki Editor |Welcome to my personal site. I've been on the internet for a
long time, but being a tumblr user in the year of our Lord 2023
is what convinced me to create my own Neocities site. What's
stopping me? I use tumblr for almost everything, but what'll
happen when it ultimately goes down? Even if I'm dead by then,
maybe this site will survive. Either way, this is my opportunity to code for fun for the first time in year, to repost things that matter to me, and to explain what it is that
I like doing, or what happened to me during my childhood to
make me enjoy overlapping some of my text with that image on
the right.
Think you're ready? Then click that Komaeda pixel sprite.
C'mon. Do it. Don't be shy.